Understanding Asbestos Removal

Asbestos is a building material that was used decades ago from the 1940s to the 1980s. It is built up of six minerals, making it durable, heat resistant, and good insulation material. On the other hand, although Asbestos is a very useful mineral, it is highly toxic and can cause cancer such as mesothelioma and progressive lung diseases. Since the health risks of using Asbestos were unknown back then, many buildings were built with materials containing a high amount of Asbestos. However, when Asbestos-containing material (ACM) is mishandled or damaged, it can release airborne Asbestos fibres that cause Asbestos-related diseases. Thus, conducting an Asbestos Removal in Brisbane and other parts of Australia is important to prevent exposure to Asbestos fibres.

Furthermore, the citizens and residents of Brisbane are encouraged to have an Asbestos Removal when they suspect an ACM in their properties or planning to have a renovation. Asbestos Removal can help by testing the suspected ACM and how much Asbestos fibre is in the area to determine the severity of asbestos exposure. In addition, before going through an Asbestos Removal, the citizens and residents of Brisbane should also be aware of how to identify and where Asbestos can be seen in their properties to get in contact with an Abatement company immediately.

Identifying Asbestos

Based on the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986, there are two categories of Asbestos:

· Serpentine Asbestos. It is made up of one type of asbestos fibre that is curly, known as Chrysotile or also referred to as “White Asbestos”.

· Amphibole Asbestos. This category of asbestos fibres consists of five types, look straight, and jagged in shape. The recognised types include Actinolite, Amosite, Anthophyllite, Crocidolite, and Tremolite.

Alternatively, identifying Asbestos by simply looking at it will not be accurate. The citizens and residents of Brisbane with houses or buildings that were built before the mid-1980s should consider having an Asbestos Removal for the structure will have a high possibility of having ACM. Structures that were built from 1980 to 1990 may also have ACM. Nonetheless, structures that were built after 1990 may have fewer chances of having ACM.

To easily evaluate if there are suspected ACM, cheque out the following products, including:

· Ceiling tiles

· Electrical equipment insulation

· Flues and ducts fireproofing

· Gutters

· Hessian carpet underlay

· Pipes insulation

· Rainwater pipes

· Roofing materials

· Textured coatings

· Thermoplastic floor tiles

· Vinyl floor tiles

· Wall sheeting

· Water Tanks


Asbestos Related Diseases

According to various studies conducted on individuals who are usually exposed to Asbestos, most of their diseases are associated with Asbestos. One of the Asbestos-related diseases is mesothelioma. It is a rare and aggressive cancer that is caused by being exposed to Asbestos. In addition, exposure to Asbestos fibres are linked to several types of cancer such as lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, and ovarian cancer. Individuals who are usually exposed to Asbestos may also develop other diseases such as Asbestosis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, diffuse pleural thickening, pleuritis, pleural effusions, and pleural plaques.

Occupations commonly exposed to Asbestos

ACM that is not damaged or disturbed may not cause danger for the time being. However, being exposed to Asbestos fibre, whether the amount is small is not safe. Also, being exposed to Asbestos regularly may accumulate over time and can cause severe health diseases in the future. That’s why it is important to conduct safe handling of Asbestos and assure that occupations that are commonly exposed to Asbestos are protected in the workplace.

Some of the Asbestos-related occupations are construction workers, electricians, firefighters, military services, miners, ship repair workers, and heavy industry workers.

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